What is birthstone?
Birthstones are the first association of a special gem with each month was recorded in the Bible, in Exodus 28 and 39. The 12 gems were later linked with zodiac and later on even associated with the months in the year. People in the past strongly believed that these gemstones posses many attributes, curative powers and even the power to convey the soul peace in the afterlife.
Mythical Birthstones are said to come from the ancient Tibetan culture and date back thousands of years.
Biblical Birthstones were mentioned in the Bible's Old Testament suggesting that the twelve birthstones can be traced to the twelve tribes of Israel.
Ayurvedic Birthstones date back to ancient Indian culture and those who believed that specific stones have medicinal effects.
Zodiac Birthstones have evolved over thousands of years as astrologers have assigned gems of certain colors to the twelve signs of the zodiac to help people influence the planets in their favor.
Modern Birthstones did not exist until 1912 when the Jewelers of American developed a list of birthstones in an effort to settle on a standardized list of birthstones.
What is your Birthstone?
January baby- garnet, symbolizes a light heart, loyalty and enduring affections.
February baby- amethyst, was the stone of royalty, representing power.
March baby- aquamarine, symbolizes freedom, friendly and calm.
April baby- diamond, symbolizes uniqueness, rare and elegant.
May baby- emerald, symbolizes practical, well-being and generous.
June baby- pearl, symbolizes peaceful, innocent, purity
July baby- ruby, symbolizes romantic, short-tempered, productive.
August baby- peridot, symbolizes happiness, optimism and enlightenment.
September baby- sapphire, symbolizes enthusiastic, fun and playful
October baby- opal, symbolizes decisive, emotional, day dreamer.
November baby- citrine, symbolizes secretive, unique and brilliant.
December baby- blue topaz, symbolizes sexy, ambitious and logical.
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